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musicapp cli

It’s a small start, but my musicapp command line utility, for working with XML out of Apple’s Music.app, can be used in a one liner with sqlite-utils:

xonsh 🐚 > ~/D/Fabric > ! > musicapp --log-level debug fabric missing --fmt csv | \
    sqlite-utils insert missing.db missing - --csv
xonsh 🐚 > ~/D/Fabric > sqlite3 missing.db
SQLite version 3.37.0 2021-12-09 01:34:53
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select * from missing;
7|fabric 7 - Hipp-E & Halo
11|fabric 11 - Swayzak
12|fabric 12 - The Amalgamation Of Sounds
13|fabric 13 - Michael Mayer
15|fabric 15 - Tyrant
16|fabric 16 - Eddie Richards
17|fabric 17 - Akufen
18|fabric 18 - Baby Mammoth
19|fabric 19 - Andrew Weatherall
22|fabric 22 - Adam Beyer
54|fabric 54 - Damian Lazarus
59|fabric 59 - Jamie Jones
83|fabric 83 - Joris Voorn
84|fabric 84 - Mathew Jonson
100|fabric 100 - Craig Richards, Terry Francis, Keith Reilly
sqlite> select count(*) from missing;

Now I actually know which Fabric releases I haven’t entered into my Music.app library. Next up Fabric Live accounting.

© 2008-2024 C. Ross Jam. Built using Pelican. Theme based upon Giulio Fidente’s original svbhack, and slightly modified by crossjam.