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An API of Fire and Ice

I have totally missed the boat on Game of Thrones, having watched only bits and pieces of episodes here and there. Maybe one day I’ll have the opportunity to binge my way through, but not in the foreseeable future.

But this API project to provide access to data related to the HBO series and the original George R. R. Martin books is major cool!!

An API of Ice And Fire is the world’s greatest source for quantified and structured data from the universe of Ice and Fire (and the HBO series Game of Thrones). We give you access to data about all the Books, Characters and Houses in an easy to use JSON format. …

Why did you build this?

I decided to build this API because I like to build stuff that other developers can use. A Song of Ice And Fire and Game of Thrones is also a great universe and I find it really interesting.

Besides, this was (and is) a great opportunity to try out new technologies.

This is exactly the type of project I’d like to take on with the Discogs.com Data Dumps. There seem to be lots of fun and interesting developer challenges embedded in to what seems like a straightforward task. Data cleaning, schema design, API design, app design, access control, performance, scalability, etc. etc. I just need to get off my ass and get to it.

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