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Brendan Gregg and eBPF

Brendan Gregg is a performance analysis superstar and I’ve already told you eBPF is wicked cool. I’m not going to the Velocity conference but I’ll check out the talk once it shows up on Safari.

What is eBPF and why is it useful?

eBPF is a weird Linux kernel technology that powers low-overhead custom analysis tools, which can be run in production to find performance wins that no other tool can. With it, we can pull out millions of new metrics from the kernel and applications, and explore running software like never before. It’s a superpower. It’ll benefit many people on Linux as they’ll add a toolkit of new analysis tools, or use new plugins for deep monitoring. That’s what I’ll show in my Velocity talk: new tools you can use.

There are four other good questions to go along with the above.

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