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Ruh-roh Apple?

About This Mac Snap I upgraded my lil’ ole MacBook to Mac OS X 10.7.5 (not worthy of Mountain Lion support) and now the poor thing has been crashing. And it borked my alpha of Tweetbot for Mac (fixed). May just be age, but I’m hoping there’s a pending os update to fix some obscure issue.

I upgraded my iPhone 4 to iOS 6 and now I think I’m suffering the battery life issues many others have been seeing. Haven’t done a scientific investigation, and an uptick in audio streaming over 3G may be responsible, but still irritating.

Not really Apple’s fault but …, I went to the AT&T store a day after the iPhone 5 launch to put in my order. Okay, it’s going to take 3-4 weeks, but I’m a patient guy. However, it shouldn’t take me 30 minutes to get a hold of a sales rep and complete the pre-order. Yikes!

And then there’s that maps issue.

Stuff used to “just work”.

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