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Slowly Getting Git

I’ve been trying to use, or more importantly absorb the ethos, of git off and on for a while now. It’s one thing to read about basic branching and merging in a book, and another to internalize an intuitive feel for how to put the facility to use.

Recently, between work and an initial start on the proposed AbandonedArt remix project, I’ve been getting a heavier dose of git usage. ”Practice makes perfect,” and that’s definitely happening here. I’ve finally internalized that branches are coding excursions, you have to checkout a branch you want to merge into, and then name the branch you want to merge in.

Now if I could only get a sustainable working model of remote repositories. I‘m functional, but there are definitely useful bits I’ve missed and still get hung up on a jagged edge here or there.

And I think resolving merge conflicts is an area most git coverage could use some extended attention. I’m guessing conflicts are supposed to be rare but they popup enough, and are tricky enough, that more detail would be helpful to this git apprentice.

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