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Snow Leopard Reviews

Mac OS Snow Leopard Box.jpg So Apple released an upgrade to their desktop operating system and boy is there an avalanche of reviews. I was going to point out a few good ones, but Gina Trapani already has the Snow Leopard review roundup. Oddly though, she left out the Engadget review, which I thought was cool because it had a bunch of videos.

I preordered Snow Leopard, so I should have a copy soon to install. Overall the verdict seems to be “lots of good stuff, but not a must have“. One improvement that’s intriguing is the upgrade to Services. I never quite understood how the feature was meant to work, but it looks like it’s been cleaned up a bit.

But boy, were there a lot of Snow Leopard reviews. And Ars Technica hasn’t even posted their typical hyperdetailed accounting.

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