Continuing a theme, I’ve also mentioned Martin Kleppmann previously. He recently completed his O’Reilly book, “Designing Data-Intensive Applications.”
As software engineers, we need to build applications that are reliable, scalable and maintainable in the long run. We need to understand the range of available tools and their trade-offs. For that, we have to dig deeper than buzzwords.
This book will help you navigate the diverse and fast-changing landscape of technologies for storing and processing data. We compare a broad variety of tools and approaches, so that you can see the strengths and weaknesses of each, and decide what’s best for your application.
I read the first couple of chapters from the early release edition, but haven’t been tracking the book to its completion. Based upon the quality of his blog posts (really enjoyed the post on techniques for real-time text search), I’m looking forward to catching up with the final product.
Also interesting to see Kleppmann joined the University of Cambridge as a Research Associate, working on the TRVE DATA project.