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Rolling Up The Sleeves

Sometimes, you just gotta roll up your sleeves to try and get back in the groove.

Sprinkled throughout this blog was usage within pelican of a Python-Markdown extension pyembed-markdown for plugging in pyembed. Pyembed queries OEmbed endpoints and generates appropriate HTML to, surprise, embed the content from the endpoint.

Unfortunately, the combo had been busted for a bit. The plugin hadn’t kept up with how Python-Markdown registered plugins. The way tagging was done had changed. When there were errors probing the endpoint, pelican wouldn’t generate anyting.

So I spent a leisurely mid-afternoon uncovering the key issues, locating the point for a fix, and committing a small fix within a small personal fork pyembed-markdown. After applying little elisp magic with ripgrep, rg.el, and wgrep-ag, everything updated properly even leaving nice messages about bitrot as appropriate.

© 2008-2024 C. Ross Jam. Built using Pelican. Theme based upon Giulio Fidente’s original svbhack, and slightly modified by crossjam.