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DBOS Stateful Workflows

DBOS (the company) has come across my radar via two vectors. Ben Lorica had a newsletter update and podcast interview with the founders. Meanwhile the open source DBOS framework was mentioned on a recent episode of Python Bytes.

This could be a useful platform for my purposes, although I’m a bit hesitant since it’s new and not “boring”. However, it builds on top of PostgreSQL and is the result of a well grounded research effort out of MIT and Stanford.

The interview was a bit “salesy” but not overbearing. Also, Lorica tended to steer the discussion in the direction of AI and agentic use cases.

From the documentation introduction

DBOS is a serverless platform for building reliable backend applications. Add lightweight annotations to your app to durably execute it, making it resilient to any failure. Then, deploy your app to the cloud with a single command.

As a data engineer, the framework is probably worth a test drive to compare against Prefect and/or build your own systems.

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