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Discogs Data SQL Views

This sat in the drafts folder for a bit, but I finally decided to just hit publish and stop seeking perfection.

Well that was a mildly annoying adventure discovering how to get code syntax highlighting working. Pelican’s markdown support includes CodeHilite by default but I couldn’t figure out how to actually trigger. Turns out once I installed the Pygments module, things kicked in.

Anyway, who knew the language of the first code segment to appear on this blog would be SQL? Using some handy regular expression features of Postgres, I layered some views on top of data imported from discogs-xml2db. The target was getting an extraction of releases from the Fabric and FabricLive series. Still a fair amount of data normalization needed to be done, but at least I’ve got 100% recall with not too much extra stuff and that’s only because the titles aren’t quite consistent. Ultimately had to resort to explicitly black listing some rows

Code and example output below the fold

After a few iterations, here’s where I’m currently at. On one hand I’m satisfied at the results. On the other, I’m sure a Postgres expert would cringe at this, plus I feel there are better ways to do some of what I’m doing. I’m pretty sure joining variadic results as in fabric_tracks_artists has a more idiomatic Postgres expression.

create materialized view if not exists fabric_releases as
       (select false as fabric_live, release.id as release_id, master.id as master_id, release.title,
               (regexp_matches(release.title, 'Fabric\.? ?(\d+)', 'gi'))[1]::int as fabric_num
           from release, master where release.title ~* 'fabric\.? ?\d+' and
       not release.title ~* 'Radio Mix' and
       release.master_id is not null and
       release.status = 'Accepted' and
       not release.title ~* 'Sampler' and
       release.id not in (select * from fabric_release_blacklist) and
           master.id = release.master_id and release.id = master.main_release)
       (select false as fabric_live, release.id as release_id, release.master_id as master_id, release.title,
               (regexp_matches(release.title, 'Fabric\.? ?(\d+)', 'gi'))[1]::int as fabric_num
        from release where release.title ~* 'fabric\.? ?\d+' and
       not release.title ~* 'Radio Mix' and
       release.status = 'Accepted' and
       not release.title ~* 'Sampler' and
       release.id not in (select * from fabric_release_blacklist) and
           release.master_id is null)
       (select true as fabric_live, release.id as release_id, master.id as master_id, release.title,
               (regexp_matches(release.title, 'FabricLive\.? ?(\d+)', 'gi'))[1]::int as fabric_num
        from release, master where release.title ~* 'fabriclive\.? ?\d+' and
    not release.title ~* 'Radio Mix' and
    release.status = 'Accepted' and
    not release.title ~* 'Sampler' and
    release.id not in (select * from fabric_release_blacklist) and
        master.id = release.master_id and release.id = master.main_release)
       (select true as fabric_live, release.id as release_id, release.master_id as master_id, release.title,
               (regexp_matches(release.title, 'FabricLive\.? ?(\d+)', 'gi'))[1]::int as fabric_num
        from release where release.title ~* 'fabriclive\.? ?\d+' and
    not release.title ~* 'Radio Mix' and
    release.status = 'Accepted' and
    not release.title ~* 'Sampler' and
    release.id not in (select * from fabric_release_blacklist) and
        release.master_id is null);

create materialized view if not exists fabric_tracks as
    fabric_releases.fabric_num as fabric_num,
    fabric_releases.fabric_live as fabric_live,
    fabric_releases.release_id as release_id,
    release.title as release_title,
    release_track.id as track_id,
    release_track.title as track_title,
    release_track.sequence as track_sequence,
    release_track.position as track_position
from fabric_releases, release, release_track
where fabric_releases.release_id is not null
    and fabric_releases.release_id = release.id
    and release_track.release_id = release.id;

create materialized view if not exists fabric_tracks_artists as
fabric_tracks.track_id as track_id,
array_agg(concat_ws(' ', concat_ws(':', format('[%s]', anv), format('[%s]', artist_name)), join_string)  order by position) as track_artists
from fabric_tracks left join release_track_artist on (fabric_tracks.track_id = release_track_artist.track_id)
where not release_track_artist.extra
    and fabric_tracks.track_position is not null
group by fabric_tracks.track_id, release_track_artist.track_sequence;

And here’s an example of querying against the views using pgcli. These are the tracks from one of my favorite mixes, Fabriclive.25: High Contrast

crossjam@localhost:discogs> select * from fabric_tracks where fabric_num = 25 and fabric_live;
| fabric_num | fabric_live | release_id | release_title  | track_id | track_title                   | track_sequence | track_position |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044071  | 8ball                         | 1              | 1              |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044072  | Power Ballad                  | 2              | 2              |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044073  | Restart                       | 3              | 3              |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044074  | Life Rhythm                   | 4              | 4              |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044075  | Flashback                     | 5              | 5              |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044076  | Desperate Housewives          | 6              | 6              |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044077  | Nxt 2 U                       | 7              | 7              |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044078  | Ghetto Blaster                | 8              | 8              |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044079  | Woe                           | 9              | 9              |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044080  | Strength 2 Strength           | 10             | 10             |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044081  | The Big Picture               | 11             | 11             |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044082  | Love Insane                   | 12             | 12             |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044083  | Soul Function                 | 13             | 13             |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044084  | Solar Burn                    | 14             | 14             |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044085  | Summer Sun                    | 15             | 15             |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044086  | What's Happening?             | 16             | 16             |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044087  | Real McCoy                    | 17             | 17             |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044088  | Bitch I'm Gone                | 18             | 18             |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044089  | Going In Circles (A.I. Remix) | 19             | 19             |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044090  | Hell Hath No Fury             | 20             | 20             |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044091  | Rapture                       | 21             | 21             |
| 25         | True        | 560721     | FabricLive. 25 | 3044092  | Days Go By                    | 22             | 22             |
Time: 0.016s

I cooked up a little CLI app using Python and click for querying releases and tracks. I need to plug in a flexible row output formatter so CSV, json, etc. results can be delivered.

(discogsdata) crossjam@GabrielHounds:~$ discogsdata fabric tracks --live 25
('fabric_num', 'release_id', 'release_title', 'release_artist', 'track_id', 'track_sequence', 'track_position', 'track_title', 'track_artists')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044071, 1, '1', '8ball', '[]:[Adam F]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044072, 2, '2', 'Power Ballad', '[]:[London Elektricity]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044073, 3, '3', 'Restart', '[]:[DJ Marky] , []:[Bungle] & []:[DJ Roots]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044074, 4, '4', 'Life Rhythm', '[]:[Logistics]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044075, 5, '5', 'Flashback', '[]:[Cyantific] Vs []:[Logistics]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044076, 6, '6', 'Desperate Housewives', '[]:[Funky Technicians]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044077, 7, '7', 'Nxt 2 U', '[]:[Martyn]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044078, 8, '8', 'Ghetto Blaster', '[]:[Cyantific]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044079, 9, '9', 'Woe', '[Jenna G]:[Jenna Gibbons]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044080, 10, '10', 'Strength 2 Strength', '[Matrix Vs Futurebound]:[Matrix & Futurebound]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044081, 11, '11', 'The Big Picture', '[]:[Artificial Intelligence]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044082, 12, '12', 'Love Insane', '[]:[Craggz & Parallel Forces]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044083, 13, '13', 'Soul Function', '[]:[Danny Byrd]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044084, 14, '14', 'Solar Burn', '[]:[Blame]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044085, 15, '15', 'Summer Sun', '[]:[Logistics]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044086, 16, '16', "What's Happening?", '[Chris S.U. & SKC]:[Chris.Su & SKC]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044087, 17, '17', 'Real McCoy', '[]:[State Of Mind (8)]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044088, 18, '18', "Bitch I'm Gone", '[]:[Nero (5)]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044089, 19, '19', 'Going In Circles (A.I. Remix)', '[]:[Total Science]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044090, 20, '20', 'Hell Hath No Fury', '[]:[Klute]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044091, 21, '21', 'Rapture', '[]:[Sparfunk] & []:[Joe Solo (2)]')
(25, 560721, 'FabricLive. 25', '[]:[High Contrast]', 3044092, 22, '22', 'Days Go By', '[]:[High Contrast]')
(discogsdata) crossjam@GabrielHounds:~$

Endless possibilities for improvement.

© 2008-2024 C. Ross Jam. Built using Pelican. Theme based upon Giulio Fidente’s original svbhack, and slightly modified by crossjam.