Slowed down a bit in July, but with four books completed this month plus the honorably included, that’s six more added to the tally. Nineteen down for 2021.
- The Game of our Lives, David Goldblatt
- Done Deal, Daniel Geey
- The Effective Manager, Mark Horstman
- The Turing Test, Chris Beckett
I respect the writing quality of The Turing Test and indeed, quite a few of the stories were thought provoking: The Turing Test (eponymous short story), La Maccina, The Gates of Troy, Piccadilly Circus, Karel’s Prayer. However, Beckett’s style didn’t really resonate with me.
The Game of Our Lives places English football in a larger and wider social context, especially in times before the Premier League.
The Effective Manager is exceedingly prescriptive, which may or may not be what one needs. Definitely useful at this point in my career.
Done Deal was a pretty mundane explainer for me. A few bits of transfer policy detail were enlightening.