I enjoyed Derrick Harris’ interview with the founders of StackRox:
In this episode of the ARCHITECHT Show, StackRox co-founders Sameer Bhalotra and Ali Golshan break down the state of container security and the new technology they have built to solve it. Bhalotra and Golshan have deep histories doing cybersecurity everywhere from startups to Google to the White House, which they draw on to discuss the security threats and opportunities that microservices present, as well as best practices for cybersecurity in general. This week, StackRox emerged from stealth mode after building the product and company for nearly 3 years.
Sameer and Ali had interestingly different backgrounds coming from government and enterprise consulting. From a total nerd perspective, they came across as a skoosh slick in their answers and choreographed handoffs, but I’ll chalk that up to being well-polished founders who’ve been on the fundraising and customer development trail for a while. That’s how you gotta sound to get C-suite types to fork over the cash.
But on the surface there are some neat ideas in the StackRox product. In the same way that networking technology has become disaggregated, microservices architectures have disaggregated applications and allowed for deeper introspection, monitoring, and remediation.
Have to say, I’ve been impressed by the guests that Harris has been able to get for his interviews.