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I thought the SMACK stack was on the come over a year ago. Mesosphere is on board too, making an equivalence with the venerable LAMP stack for building Web 1.0 applications.

One additional benefit of using the SMACK stack is your choice of options for adding features or getting support. The LAMP stack had a broad set of commercial champions. The same is true with SMACK today. Each SMACK stack technology have leading commercial entities behind them, that offer supported enterprise products and support. Examples include Lightbend and Databricks for Spark, DataStax for Cassandra, Confluent for Kafka, and Mesosphere for Mesos. So if you’re already an expert to part of the stack or new to all of SMACK, a broad set of options are available.

Not sure I completely buy it. Even though I have deep technical respect for Mesos, Kubernetes seems to be the hot core of open source orchestration. (SK8SACK? Skatesack?). There are at least links to free e-books at the bottom of the article, for the low, low price of contact information, the better to spam you with promotional material.

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