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Was It Achieved?

Before I generate a set of resolutions for 2103, I thought it would be worthwhile to check in on the results of last year’s goals:

  • Improve Physical Health. Wash. Lost some weight, pretty close to target, but didn’t really incorporate exercise. Improved the diet, but failed to play any ultimate.
  • Maintain Financial Health. Achieved. Hit all targets.
  • Shine The Skillz. Wash. Did not get into any real programmer events, but work offered a lot more hacking opportunity than I anticipated.
  • Expand The Network. Fail. I joined the MIT DC Alumni Club, but haven’t had a chance to attend any events. Missed on everything else.
  • Get Rid of Stuff. Complete Fail.
  • Build A Tribe. I’ll call it a fail, although the jury’s still out, pending my performance reviews at work. Even without that feedback, I’m still disappointed I haven’t been able to energize a really high performing group of people, with a good sense of camaraderie.
  • Less Watch, More Do. Achieved. Took a sabbatical from college football to good effect. Also severely cut down on the channel surfing.

A couple of wins, a couple of washes, and three fails, so an overall “enh” from me. These were intended to be stretch goals so I can’t complain too much.

Given a few other things that happened in my life in 2012, I’ll happily bid goodbye to the annum, but hold back on the good riddance.

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