I recently tapped into the MapBox blog and they announced TileMill 0.9.1:
We just released TileMill 0.9.1, which adds support for PostGIS 2.0, runs on the latest Node.js 0.6.17 release, and provides packages for the latest Ubuntu Long Term Support (LTS) distribution: 12.04 (Precise Pangolin). TileMill 0.9.1 is the culmination of a several month sprint on stability, with over 80 tickets closed. The full list of fixes and advances for this release can be found in the changelog. Here are a few highlights.
TileMill sounds so cool but I really have no idea what you do with it other than “make maps”. Ah, here we go:
TileMill is an application for making beautiful maps. Whether you’re a journalist, web designer, researcher, or seasoned cartographer, TileMill is the design studio you need to create compelling, interactive maps.
My only question is whether it also eases the effort to serve your maps for web clients? After one has made their maps can you just point a browser at an obvious server and go to town?
Seems like something to learn. Could be another personal project.
Shout out to MapBox as a DC area concern.