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iPod Touch.jpg My better half got me an iPod Touch for my birthday. Just fired it up, tweaked a few of the settings, and managed to send a couple of e-mails. Don’t have a ton to report, although getting used to the keyboard will take some doing. I’m currently befuddled by cursor navigation in text fields. Update: Looks like text navigation is covered in an iPhone How-To.

At 64 gigabytes of storage the Touch can hold all of my music library with plenty of room to spare. I’ll still carry my trusty iPod Nano, but now I have to figure out what to put on it. I think I’ll make it a repository for smart and shuffled playlists.

As a middle-aged computer scientist, it’s amazing that we’ve gone from about zero to ten times the original Xerox PARCTAB in under 20 years. We overestimate technological change in the short term, and underestimate the impact in the long term.

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