I’ve been following [DJ Mark Farina’s Twitter stream][2] and it’s been pretty entertaining. Poor guy went over to Dubai, then Europe, and got stuck on the continent thanks to the volcano eruption. Had to come back to SF via Munich to Rome to NYC. Then on his next trip out, to gig in El Paso, TX, he gets stuck in Denver due to tornados!! Poor guy. He also dropped a tweet on this recent [interview][1] he did with [Radio4by4][3] *(music autoplay warning)*. This may be the first time I’ve actually seen or heard an interview with him. A little softspoken, but interesting stuff about his new label, Great Lakes Audio; EP, Geograffiti; and the Winter Music Conference. Best of all he said three words that are music to my ears… **Mushroom Jazz 7**, Looking like a Fall drop for North America. I’m all over it. [1]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD_Tgkn3MAw [2]: http://twitter.com/djmarkfarina [3]: http://www.radio4by4.com/
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