Making Money, Terry Pratchett. A satisfying sequel to Going Postal, although a bit too frenetic with an overabundance of characters. A few get short shrifted and could easily have been cut. Looking forward to Moist von Lipwig’s next misadventures.
Mona Lisa Overdrive, William Gibson. Rounds out my reread of the Sprawl trilogy. Not quite as tight or engaging as Neuromancer or Count Zero but definitely a good read.
Life, Inc Douglas Rushkoff. Disappointing, given that I had been predisposed to liking the book. I bought most of Rushkoff’s central arguments about modern finance and how it extracts from communities. However, this went on a little too long, at the expense of a deeper discussion of potential solutions. Also, using endnotes with no inline marker made the book come off as 200 pages of diatribe through assertion, followed by about 30 pages of thinly supported response. Still worth reading though.
Bit of a let down reading this month. Not the books’ fault, but I finished Making Money and Mona Lisa Overdrive during the Labor Day holiday. Visions of completing six books in September were dancing in my head, but obviously I fell short. Life, Inc. really bogged me down, then I lost some commute reading time to work travel.
26 down for the year though. 35 still in sight.