The first post on this blog is dated August 11th. So my blogaversary came and went without much notice. Still feel like I haven’t quite hit a stride though. There’s not a really good lead theme or tone. Posting about book reading has been fairly consistent, but I’m not really interested in becoming a book critic. I think I’ve been held back by not wanting to talk about tech things since that may inadvertently lead to discussing work, which I’m definitely avoiding. Such is working for a big defense contractor.
Hey, I’m a geek through and through though, so I’ll probably start wading back into non-work tech issues, especially if I can launch a home side project. For example, my various of noodlings with aggregators and blogging tools like posterous shouldn’t generate any difficulties.
The second Mass Programming Resistance post noted my acquisition of a white MacBook. So my Macaverary came and went without much notice as well. I have to say I’ve been quite pleased with the machine. I bought the bottom of the line, but combined the savings with some gift cards to pump the thing up with 4 Gb of RAM. Until my recent WiFi issues, I hadn’t had a single problem with the Apple hardware or software. That problem seems resolved, although there are still spurts of poor WiFi connectivity or throughput. But I feel like there’s at least another good year or two, at least, in this machine.
P.S. I wonder of anyone actually reads this thing?!